Saturday 2 May 2015

367 | My Tour, My Country, My Planet #2


Every tour counts!

Every time BirdsConTour leads a tour, we give something back. 
This time it was the Famtrip Tour, a Namibia round trip organized by Chamäleon Reisen and Pack Safari and led by BirdsConTour. Participants were six Austrian and eight German travel agents invited by Chamäleon Reisen to get familiar with Namibia.

Roadkill juvenile Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk on the road

and here removed off the road, safely edible by predators.

BirdsConTour removes roadkills, no matter how big or small, off the roads in order to support public safety and to prevent deaths of further animals that get attracted to such roadkills (BirdsConTour reports in article 344).

Conny's Restaurant owner Melwien was recognized with a one penguin-rated Tourism Support 2015 Award by BirdsConTour. BirdsConTour reports in article 357 and 323.

Guest are astonished! As soon as the Pack Safari bus stops, the birds come flying in. The mobile water trough is barely on the ground, they already fly down to still their thirst. This BirdsConTour project, Water for Sossus Birds, is a means of giving back to nature for what we unconsciously destroy with our visit into this dry environment of Sossusvlei.
BirdsConTour reports in article 88.

Nina, as the representative from Hotel A la Mer, receives the one penguin-rated Tourism Support 2015 Award from BirdsConTour.
BirdsConTour reports in article 358 and 323.

Bennie, owner of the Sea Breeze Guesthouse, gladly receives the Sea Breeze Conservation & Tourism Support 2015 Award from BirdsConTour.
BirdsConTour reports in article 359 and 323.

Ju/'Hoansi San first time ever awarded!
BirdsConTour reports in article 360 and 323.

Damara Mopane Lodge - like an ancient African kingdom.
BirdsConTour reports in article 361 and 323.

Gabus - meaning the place of water.
BirdsConTour reports in articles 323 and 362.

Owl watch on Onjala Lodge.
BirdsConTour reports in articles 323 and 363.

Through participating on this 10 day Namibia round trip, these guests contributed in supporting responsible and sustainable tourism, wherefore they have been recognized with a one penguin-rated Tourism Support 2015 Award by BirdsConTour.
BirdsConTour reports in article 323 and 364.

Thank you to our Support a Rhino Ranger sponsors.
BirdsConTour reports in articles 199, 213, 228, 250, 335, 354, 365 and 366.

Luisa Mentz - a heart for rhinos.
BirdsConTour reports in articles 199, 213, 228, 250, 335, 354, 365 and 366.

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