Sunday, 6 October 2013





Fotos und Text von Stefan Rust

(In terms of the Geneva Convention the copyright of these texts belong to Stefan Rust)

                                                                                    Mycteria ibis

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Namen: Mycteria ibis (Lateinisch) / Yellow-billed Stork (Englisch) / Nimmersat (Afrikaans)

Familie: Störche - Ciconiidae

Verbreitung: Afrika, südlich der Sahara

Lebensraum: Feuchtgebiete

Größe: 95-105 cm

Gefieder: Neben dem nackten roten Gesicht und den roten Beinen fällt der lange gelbe Schnabel auf. Sein weißes Gefieder ist rot angehaucht, Schwung- und Schwanzfedern sind schwarz.

Stimme: Nasal quietschender oder grunzender Ruf

Nest: Flache Reisignester in kleineren und größeren Kolonien auf Bäumen und Felsen.

Brutzeit: Januar - August

Nahrung: Fische, Amphibien, Reptilien und Wasserinsekten.

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Nimmersatte gehören zu den Störchen. Weltweit sind 19 Storchenarten bekannt. Störche sind in allen Erdteilen beheimatet mit Ausnahme von Neuseeland, Ozeanien und der Antarktis. In Europa leben nur Weissstörche und die deutlich selteneren Schwarzstörche. Bekannte afrikanische Vertreter der Storche sind der Wollhalsstorch (Ciconia episcopus), Abdimstorch (Ciconia abdimii), Schwarzstorch (Ciconia nigra), Weissstorch (Ciconia ciconia), Klaffschnabel (Anastomus lamelligerus), Marabu (Leptoptilos crumeniferus), Sattelstorch (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) und der Nimmersatt (Mycteria ibis).
Der leicht nach unten gebogene Schnabel erweckt eine Ähnlichkeit mit den Ibissen und der wissenschaftliche Name des Nimmersatt scheint die Verwandtschaft der Ibisse zu bestätigen, aber sie gehören ganz eindeutig zu den Störchen.
Die wissenschaftliche Namensgebung ibis für den Nimmersatt liegt in der Vergangenheit, als in den 1980er Jahren die molekulargenetische Untersuchungsmethode entwickelt wurde. Diese Ermöglichung der exakten Feststellung der Verwandtschaften der Tierarten anhand der im Erbgut gespeicherten Informationen hat die Erforschung des avifaunistischen Stammbaums im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes revolutioniert. Dies ergab, dass unter anderem Ibisse und Störche in eine Ordung gruppiert wurden welches die wissenschaftliche Bezeichnung ibis für den Nimmersatt rechtfertigte. Die Untersuchung der Storchenverwandtschaft zeigte jedoch, daß diese so genannten DNS-Analysen (Englisch: DNA) zu Anfangs noch nicht ausgereift waren. Als in den 2000er-Jahren eine in den 90ern entwickelte präzisere Form der DNA-Analyse eingebracht wurde, stellte die Wissenschaft fest, dass die Ibisse, Reiher, Löffler, Hammerkopf und Schuhschnäbel näher mit den Pelikanen als mit den Störchen verwandt sind. Nach weiteren Untersuchungen ergab sich, dass Störche in der Vogelordung Ciconiiformes ziemlich isoliert sind. Die Storchenvogelordung ist also nach einem zuerst starken Anwachsen in den 80er-Jahren anhand dieser neuen Erkenntnis plötzlich stark geschrumpft, zu denen seither auch der Nimmersatt als Storch und nicht Ibis, sprich Pelikan Familie, gehört. Nur wurde die lateinische Bezeichnung des Nimmersatt nicht geändert.

Als mühsam ergab sich die Suche nach der Begründung der deutschen Namensgebung “Nimmersatt”. Auf keinen Fall kann behauptet werden, dass er gefrässiger als als seine Verwandten ist, und daher Nimmersatt genannt wurde. Im Gegenteil, er wurde von einigen Wissenschaftlern eher als gemässigt in Bezug auf die Nauhrungsaufnahme beschrieben. Wie also kam er auf diesen Namen? Wahrscheinlicher ist ein Hinweis den man von dem ehemaligen Gattungsname Tantalus erhält. Tantalus hiess der griechische König der zur Strafe für seinen Hochmut den Göttern gegenüber in der Unterwelt hungern und dursten musste; die reifen Früchte über ihm an den Bäumen und das Wasser am Boden wichen zurück, sobald er danach griff. Er erlitt die Tantalusqualen und wurde nimmer satt. Das Fressverhalten des Nimmersatt Storches, bei dem dieser im Wasser dahinschreitet, seinen halbgeöffneten Schnabel ins Wasser getaucht hält, und scheinbar vergeblich auf Beute hofft, erinnerte den namengebenden früheren Naturforscher möglicherweise an diesen altgriechischen Mythos.

Betrachten wir uns dieses Fressverhalten etwas genauer, so ergibt sich ein höchst ausgeklügeltes System, sein Schnabel ist nämlich an der Spitze mit Tastsinnzellen ausgestattet. Sie verursachen, dass der Schnabel sich reflexartig binnen Millisekunden schliesst, sobald ein Beutetier, vom im Wasser stelzen dieses Schreitvogels aufgescheucht wurde, den Schnabel berührt. Dieses Tastschnabelsystem befähigt den Nimmersatt auch in trüben und schlammigen Wasser Beute zu fangen. Auch erklärt diese Jagdtechnik warum der Nimmersatt bei der Auswahl seiner Jagdgründe flexibler ist und deswegen anderen auf Sicht jagenden Watvögeln klar im Vorteil ist.

Feuchtgebietbewohner Nimmersatt

Sobald dieser recht häufige Bewohner der flachen Binnengewässer aber auch der Küsten gesättigt ist steht er ruhend mit eingezogenem Kopf am Wasserrrand, beschäftigt sich mit Gefiederpflege oder segelt mühelos im Aufwind umher: er ist nämlich ein ausgezeichneter Flieger. Zwar ist er kein Langstreckenzieher wie seine Verwandten, Weiss- und Schwarzstorch, aber sein Wanderverhalten richtet sich nach den örtlichen Gegebenheiten. Somit bleiben einige der regionalen Bestände das ganze Jahr über an ihrem Brutgebiet, derweil andere alljährlich zwischen ihren etwas auseinander liegenden Brut- und Nichtbrutgebieten pendeln. Daher wird der Nimmersatt als Halbnomadisch bezeichnet.

Die frühere Ansicht der lebenslangen Paarbindung bei Störchen, auch Monogamie genannt, ist überholt. Monogamie gibt es nur bei den territorialen und einzelgängerischen Arten. Bei den in Gruppen und Kolonien brütenden Arten bilden sich jades Jahr neue Partnerschaften. Im Falle einer vorjährigen erfolgreichen Brut, geschieht es oft, dass beide Vögel zur selbigen Kolonie und sogar zum selben Nest zurückkehren was dann nicht selten zur Paarbildung derselben Vögel des Vorjahres führt. Ausserhalb der Brutzeit gehen beide wieder getrennte Wege.
Die Balzphase bei Störchen, auch beim Nimmersatt, ist gekennzeichnet durch das storchentypische Schnabelklappern.

Momentan gilt der Nimmersatt in seinem Fortbestand nicht als gefährdet eingestuft. Dies verdankt er seine grossen Verbreitungsgebiet und seiner bemerkenswerten Anpassungsfähigkeit an verschiedene Lebensumstände. Aber wegen allgemeinen Lebensraumverlust und Gewässerverschmutzung sind die Bestandszahlen etwas rückläufig und ist deswegen ein genaues Beobachten der Population erforderlich.




BirdsConTour for a cleaner Bird Habitat

Photos and text by Stefan Rust

(In terms of the Geneva Convention the copyright of these texts belongs to Stefan Rust)

BirdsConTour, well-known bird conservation organization, and guests, are working towards creating clean areas for wildlife to live undisturbed.

On route sites are cleaned from plastics and other litter that can cause harm to wildlife.
Stefan Rust from BirdsConTour and guests participating on a tour, share the vision of creating an environment free of human waste material.
Hopefully other people are inspired to join in cleaning their surrounding environment.

The mission of BirdsConTour is to conserve the land, cultures and wildlife by rescuing bird species and their habitat.




Solitaire Guest Farm aims to create a bird and birder friendly habitat

Photos and text by Stefan Rust

(In terms of the Geneva Convention the copyright of these texts belongs to Stefan Rust)

The latest addition to the bird and birder friendly awardees has been awarded with a two penguin rated Bird & Birder Friendly Award.

Solitaire Guest Farm, which is situated about ten minutes drive east of Solitaire, with breathtaking views, offers their guests ideal bird watching opportunities.
With a bird friendly waterhole and garden, the guest farm attracts a diversity of real desert birds for guests to easily observe.

Try to arrive before 15:00 o’clock to prepare to experience the late afternoon spectacle of birds becoming active before nightfall.

Guests are welcomed to an unforgettable desert birding experience.

137 | BIRDSCONTOUR REPORT 22.09.'13 - 05.10.'13


BIRDSCONTOUR REPORT (22.09.’13 – 05.10.’13)

Text from Stefan Rust

(In terms of the Geneva Convention the copyright of these texts belong to Stefan Rust)

Dear birding friends, 

as birdwatching is a relatively new and one of the fastest growing and a most popular pursuit, it attracts people of all ages around the world. There can hardly be a better place than southern Africa (Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa) to nurture an interest in birds as it supports almost 1000 bird species, which is about 10 per cent of the world's entire bird. Taking birding to new heights, Hobby-Ornithologist Stefan Rust together with BirdsConTour represents some of the ontour bird sightings and several other interesting birding aspects to showcase the fun of birding, promote citizen science, highlight conservation, indicate where to view what birds and raise awareness of southern Africa's (sometimes international) birds and their habitats.


Have a quick look if you, your site or neighborhood is included in this scientific informational work (alphabetically arranged):

A-little-Sossus Lodge
Canyon Roadhouse (Gondwana Collection)
Chamäleon Reisen
Diaz Point
Damara Mopane Lodge (Gondwana Collection)
Etosha Safari Camp (Gondwana Collection)
Etosha NP. (Gemsbokvlakte and Okondeka Waterhole)
Farm Omandumba (Deike & Harald Rust)
Farm Voigtland (Stephan & Gabi Voigts)
Fish River
Fish River Canyon
Frans Indongo Lodge
Garub Wild Horses
Gemsbokvlakte Waterhole (Etosha NP)
Gondwana Collection (Etosha Safari Camp)
Hohenstein Lodge
Kalahari Farmhouse (Gondwana Collection)
Klein Aus Vista
Mesosaurus Fossils
Okondeka Waterhole (Etosha NP.)
Onjala Lodge
Pack Safari
Petrified Forest
Rust Deike & Harald (Farm Omandumba)
Solitaire Guest Farm
Sossusvlei, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Voigts Gabi & Stephan (Farm Voigtland)

BirdsConTour Report (Namibia) Personal Highlights:


Distance traveled: 3 810 km

22.09.'13  Farm Voigtland, Windhoek  Pied Crow (1) Regarded as being absent from the Kalahari and eastern Namibia, even in the area where Farm Voigtland is situated. But these birds start colonizing these eastern regions of Windhoek, probably because of increase of urban areas.

22.09.'13  Penduka, Windhoek  Great White Pelican (60) The Goreangab Dam where Penduka is situated seems to have developed into a suitable habitat for these big birds. Their communal fishing practices impress guests visiting the Penduka Restaurant. While dining, guests can observe how small flocks gather to form larger ones for communal fishing in this clear water. When large shoals of fish are found, cooperative groups of pelicans form ‘U’-shapes to herd fish prey into shallow water in the attempt to increase the catch success.

23.09.'13  Turnoff to Mount Etjo  BirdsConTour for a cleaner Bird Habitat Another BirdsConTour for a cleaner Bird Habitat cleaning session was held while being on an Etosha tour with an eleven German guest group. Not only can the litter lying around, including glass bottles, cause a bush fire and threaten bird- and wildlife in general, but it is no good impression for guests. Today cleaning was done at the turnoff B1/Mount Etjo where the big termite mount is situated where visitors often stop to admire the marvelous tower that is created by the small termite creature.

23.09.'13  Frans Indongo Lodge  Fiery-necked Nightjar (5) While they mostly call at dusk and dawn, the vocal activity seems to be determined by the light intensity, since the longest calling takes place on nights when the moon shines and birds start calling already late afternoon on overcast days, such as today.

24.09.'13  Allgemeine Zeitung, Namibia  Rosy-faced Lovebird An article of these interesting birds was published in the Allgemeine Zeitung. Read more under

24.09.'13  Etosha NP.  Red-capped Lark (4) Found less common in northern parts of southern Africa but is well represented in the Etosha NP.

24.09.'13  Etosha Safari Camp (Gondwana Collection)  Carp’s Tit (2) This near-endemic species is named after Bernard Carp, a South African naturalist who financed an ornithological exploration in southern Africa.

25.09.'13  Etosha Safari NP.  Burchell’s Courser (1) Classified as an uncommon breeding near-endemic species. Although it is not listed in the Red Data Books, the rapid decrease in population size and local extinctions in Botswana and South Africa in the past 50-150 years are cause for concern. Habitat change because of intensive agriculture (irrigation and use of pesticides) probably plays a role but does not explain population decrease in the Kalahari unless movement between Kalahari and eastern South Africa takes place.

25.09.'13  Etosha Safari Camp (Gondwana Collection)  Fork-tailed Drongo (1) At the camping site a Fork-tailed Drongo can be observed and photographed in close proximity because this bird associates with moving humans in the attempt to catch flushed prey.

26.09.'13  Petrified Forest  Rüppell’s Korhaan (3) Preferred habitat of these birds, near-endemic to western Namibia, are the gravel and sandy plains of the Namib Desert where the rainfall does not exceed 200 mm. Only 17 % of the Namibian population, estimated at about 100 000 birds, can be found in mountainous area. Therefore it was interesting to have seen these three birds in the mountainous area of the Petrified Forest.

26.09.'13  Twyfelfontein, Organ Pipes  African Harrier-Hawk (2) Where this pair has been seen there are no large trees, the preferred habitat for breeding. The next larger trees are in the Aba Huab River, not far away. Interestingly enough there lives a pair of Verreauxs’ Eagles in the neighborhood, even having raised a chick, juvenile by now, although it is known that the year-round territorial African Harrier-Hawks react aggressive towards other raptors, including Verreauxs’ Eagles.

26.09.'13  Damara Mopane Lodge (Gondwana Collection)  White-tailed Shrike (1) Damara Mopane Lodge with its biologically managed garden serves as an oasis for a wide variety of wild birds being attracted. Guests are impressed by many different species, one highlight being a species that is near-endemic to Namibia, the White-tailed Shrike. While relaxing in the garden with a cocktail in your hands this speciality hops around you, doing its work as pest controller.

27.09.'13  Farm Omandumba  Common Scimitarbill (2) A pair can often be observed foraging in the same tree, whereas the male concentrates on the main trunk and the larger branches and the female among smaller outer branches. The sexual difference in bill length and size probably sorts out the inter-sexual competition for food and foraging.

27.09.'13  Hohenstein Lodge  Herero Chat (2) Hohenstein Lodge, an ideal place to spot this special bird. Given the fact that the Herero Chat occurs in such a restricted range within Namibia and that it is near-endemic to Namibia, it is given the Amber status in this country.

28.09.'13  Swakopmund  Fork-tailed Drongo (1) A more intense westward expansion onto the coast of Namibia seems to take place. This individual was seen in the town park of Swakopmund between the beech and Strand Street, height of Orange House.

29.09.'13  Walvisbay  Eurasian Curlew (1) Their breeding range has expanded in northwestern Europe since 1900 but the eastern population decreased because of intensive agriculture in south central Siberia. Interestingly their numbers have decreased in southern Africa also since 1900.

29.09.'13  Solitaire Guest Farm  Bird & Birder Friendly Award The latest addition to the bird and birder friendly awardees has been awarded with a two penguin rated Bird & Birder Friendly Award.
Solitaire Guest Farm, which is situated about ten minutes drive east of Solitaire, with breathtaking views, offers their guests ideal bird watching opportunities.
With a bird friendly waterhole and garden, the guest farm attracts a diversity of real desert birds for guests to easily observe.

30.09.'13  Sossusvlei, Namib Sand Sea World Heritage Site  It is scary what devastating footprints guests cause with their visit to Sossusvlei. A research showed that every guest climbing the dune Dune 45, walking to the Death Vlei and back and/or walking in the surrounding of Sossusvlei unconsciously kills with his or her stay an average of ±50 small animals (ants, beetles etc.). With hundred guests per day this is a loss of ±5 000 potential food items of in this case birds. Given the fact that most birds living in this hot and dry part of the Namib Desert prey on small animals to replenish their body moisture as an alternative to water, these footprints left behind by the guests cause a big loss in possible moisture for the feathered animals. This results in a severe decrease of the natural bird population in this area.
To counteract this negative influence and to help the birds to replenish their body moisture, BirdsConTour together with Pack Safari and Chamäleon (German travel company) came up with a solution. Every tour guide who leads Chamäleon guests into the Sossusvlei area takes a portable water feeder, constructed and funded by BirdsConTour, along. When the tour vehicle is parked at the 4x4 parking area, the guide fills the water feeder and hangs it to the wiper, a tree or puts it onto the ground close to the Pack Safari tour vehicle. With peace of mind, the Pack Safari guide together with the Chamäleon guests can now go and discover and enjoy the Sossusvlei area, while the birds can refill their needed body moisture with water as an alternative for the small animals that are destroyed unconsciously by each visitor.

30.09.'13  Sesriem  Rock Kestrel (1) Probably a pair is breeding in this surrounding. Rock Kestrels are well represented in the protected area of this Namib Naukluft Park.

30.09.'13  A-little-Sossus Lodge  Great Sparrow (2) Unlike all other Sparrow species in southern Africa, the Great Sparrow is the only species that has not adapted to human settlements. Sometimes they visit rural gardens.

01.10.'13  Tourismus Namibia  Yellow-billed Stork Find out why the German name of this bird is Nimmersatt under The article was published in the Tourismus section of the Allgemeine Zeitung.

01.10.'13  Garub, Wild Horses  Greater Kestrel (2) Establishment of electricity and telephone lines has increased its range. To advertise their territory, they perch prominent. It is not known that this species drink or bathe.

01.10.'13  Klein Aus Vista  Karoo Scrub-Robin (1) Klein Aus Vista has another special bird to show birdwatchers, the endemic Karoo Scrub-Robin. Three subspecies occur in southern Africa and the Cercotrichas coryphoeus abbotti is the least common one, represented in the garden of the establishment.

02.10.'13  Dias Point  Kelp Gull (1) Mr. Marc Davis spotted a Kelp Gull about 60 km inland on the B1 tarred road, Lüderitz to Aus, quite some distance outside its usual distribution area. A Pied Crow mobbed this big bird. It is well known that individuals specialize in particular foraging techniques, but in general they are generalist foragers and scavengers. It is recorded that they sometimes kill birds as big as Hartlaub’s Gulls and terns. They even occasionally rob Rock Kestrels and Sacred Ibises of food. Other food includes eggs and chicks.
It is not impossible that this individual specializes on following the tarred road this far inland to scavenge on roadkills and harassing Greater Kestrels, Rock Kestrels, Cape Crows and even Pied Crows in an attempt to get to these species’ eggs and chicks, knowing it is their breeding season this time of the year.

02.10.'13  Lüderitz  Capped Wheatear (2) Although described as being rare in drier habitats, one bird was found in Lüderitzbucht the city itself and one was found inbetween Lüderitz and Aus, 60 km west of Aus. It is known that most birds are in their breeding areas during July and November but move into drier areas soon thereafter. So the question is if these two birds are done with their breeding activities, or are they residents in these areas?

02.10.'13  Klein Aus Vista  Layard’s Tit-Babbler (2) The drainage lines here are perfect spots to view this endemic Tit-Babbler in close neighborhood with the more common Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler.

03.10.’13  Fish River  BirdsConTour for a cleaner Bird Habitat Another BirdsConTour for a cleaner Bird Habitat cleaning session was held while being on an Etosha tour with an eleven German guest group. Not only can the litter lying around, including glass bottles, cause a bush fire and threaten bird- and wildlife in general, but it is no good impression for guests. Today cleaning was done at the picnic site at the start of the bridge crossing the Fish River, nearby Seeheim.

03.10.'13  Fish River Canyon  Common Ostrich (3) More than sixty percent of its daytime these birds spent on walking, up to 18.5 km daily, within an average home range of 84.3 square kilometer.

03.10.'13  Canyon Roadhouse (Gondwana Collection)  Red-faced Mousebird (5) Some fruit farmers in South Africa consider these birds a pest because the feed on fruits of all different plants. During cold temperatures they perch in an upright position with legs apart, facing towards the sun while raising their short hair-like belly feathers to expose the skin to the sun.

04.10.'13  Mesosaurus Fossils  Martial Eagle (1) An alarming drop of 60% in the population size occurred in the last few years. Of biggest concern are areas with a high density of powerlines, areas where temperatures increased, areas where prey abundance diminished and where small stock farming is practiced. Although protected areas are a stronghold, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and the Kruger National Park show a decline of 45%. What causes this is busy being studied and sightings of tagged birds should please be reported to

04.10.'13  Kalahari Farmhouse (Gondwana Collection)  Bird & Birder Friendly Award  By traveling directly with BirdsConTour or making use of a guide from BirdsConTour you support bird conservation and create an economic platform for local livelihoods. Sometimes travelers also participate in other BirdsConTour projects. To say THANK YOU, every tour participant receives a Bird & Birder Friendly Award at the end of the tour.
Eleven German-speaking guests were rewarded with one penguin-rated Bird & Birder Friendly Awards:
Billmann Silke & Michael
Breitenstein Dorothea & Peter
Dörner Marion
Finke Evelyn
Hoffmann Ingrid
Jonas Helena Maria Yvonne
Müller Lutz
Welcker Irene
Wirtz Heinrich Wilhelm
This Etosha Tour, organized by Pack Safari and Chamäleon Reisen, took place from the 22nd of September until the 5th of October 2013.

05.10.'13  Onjala Lodge  European Bee-eater (8) Most summer arrivals from Eurasia are mid August to early October, migrating in flocks, sometimes with the Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters. The southwestern Western Cape populations collapsed in the mid 1990’s, causes unknown!

05.10.'13  Windhoek  African Paradise-Flycatcher (1) This breeding migrant has arrived in Windhoek. The Von Falkenhausen male is giving its presence away through its territorial song.

Enjoy Birding, 
Stefan Rust
Please note: Most scientific information has been taken from Roberts Birds of Southern Africa, V11th edition!
(For further reading see
(For more information contact Stefan Rust on +264 (0)81 129 8415 or